This past week I spent the day with the crew at Ballast Point Little Italy brewing two of the four beers we’ll be serving at the AHA National Homebrew Challenge event in San Diego next month. This event is always a great time getting to mingle with homebrewers from all over the country! The double brew day I did at Ballast Point were both pale ales–one 100% CBW® Pale Ale LME and the other with 100% whole kernel Pale Ale malt. They were both brewed to the same specs of 1.049 with Northern Brewer hops to about 20 BU’s and fermented with an English ale strain. These 5BBL batches will be on tap at our Brew Expo booth during the convention. I’ve also got my good friends over at Modern Times Brewing whipping up 2 different recipes to also tap at our booth–a German Dunkel and a “Table Beer” that focuses on our delightful Caramel Munich 60L. Thanks to both breweries getting these brewed and I hope to see you in San Diego next month!