Have your taste buds tantalized you with those biscuity, caramel, roasted notes and made you wonder how those flavors were developed in the Malthouse? Get ready to take a stroll through time as Cassie Poirier takes a historical look at how malt has impacted beer flavors over the decades. Cassie will tour you through the malthouse, exploring flavor compositions and how flavor is developed in the roasters, kiln, germination and beyond.
Flavor Creation in the Malt House and its Impact on the Beer Styles of our Past, Present and Future
Saturday, June 30 | Homebrew Con | Portland, OR
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Track: Sensory Analysis
Speaker(s): Cassie Poirier
Location: Portland Ballroom 252-253

Cassie Poirier earned a BS in Biology from Old Dominion University and a Master of Forestry from Michigan Technological University. She previously worked as a chemist at MillerCoors and is now in the technical services department at Briess Malt & Ingredients Co., where she focuses on sensory research and development. She is an active member of the American Society of Brewing Chemists Sensory Subcommittee and serves as the ASBC Webinar Chair.