Ryan Schabach picking up two 50# bags of Merit 57 from the Briess Office. He is pictured with the Briess Marketing Team, left to right: Dana, Ryan, Mercedes, and Bernadette.
Back in May, Ryan Schabach, referred to as the “Ye Olde Sponge Bawcock,” from Lakefront Brewery in Milwaukee reached out to us for a project he was working on. After receiving our “Grow Your Own Barley” packet in the mail, Ryan reached out to Briess to see if we would collaborate with him on a WI barley test plot. We were more than happy to help a neighbor and over the last month, Ryan has been keeping us up to date with his Hilbert test plot.
Hilbert test plot land before it was tilled.“There is a picture of Joey Jannette with his tiller. He is one of the grandsons that work for Jannette Excavation out of Chilton. He has been helping me out A LOT – he’s also my brother-in-law!!! He had his dad stop by with a dump truck of fertilizer so we could do a soil adjustment before we planted. That little bed of barley has become a family event, ” Ryan comments.Breaking ground.Plot after being tilled.Bag of Briess Merit 57, proudly displayed next to freshly tilled and sown barley plot. “The picture with the little barley growing in a round pot is from Lakefront Brewery. It took all of two days to start growing. Very impressive. ” – Ryan
Barley crop on June 22, 2017.
Note from Ryan, “Hello, My wife and I just got back from Iceland yesterday, and I happen to be by my family and took a few more photos of the HUGE Barley field in Hilbert. I heard our area received a “bit” of rain over the last few weeks so you can tell that not all the barley is growing at the same rate. Hope all is well and I will continue to update you with photos as the summer progresses!!” June 22, 2017