Each year the Briess Technical Service Team creates a unique holiday brew for all the Briess employees. They brainstorm ideas based on the latest Briess malts, new brewing techniques or inspiration from challenges found out in the brewing field. This year at the National Homebrewers Convention, Dan Bies presented on Cold Steeping. This process sparked the idea for this years’ holiday employee brew. With a large specialty malt grain bill and a novel technology, the team created a classic golden ale that is as flavorful and drinkable as the best crafted golden ales but without the use of brewing sugars, giving it the name “Holiday Gold”.
After the beer style is decided and brewed, the Tech Service team gets to work and bottles, dips and labels the holiday brew. Briess is celebrating the holidays this year with over 230 employees.
Check out this short video on the 2016 Briess Holiday Brewing: