I am extremely pleased to announce that this past month Briess received the 2018 Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment Award from Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce. This award is in recognition of countless efforts from employees across the company to make Briess an environmentally focused, family-owned business dedicated to natural processes and products.
The 2018 Wisconsin Business Friend of the Environment Award is given annually to companies that demonstrate environmental leadership and focus on three major areas of impact: sustainability, use of innovative technology and environmental stewardship. Once nominated, a panel of judges selected winners for small, medium and large business categories. To earn this recognition, Briess demonstrated our leadership in sustainability through our comprehensive Seed to Specialty™ sustainability program which encompasses the environment, communities and people from seed to finished product.

We laid the foundation for the Briess Seed to Specialty™ Sustainability Program with several strategic supply chain acquisitions starting in 2013. The acquisitions secured a consistent source of barley that also meets our quality and environmental expectations. The acquisitions offered the opportunity to consolidate the bulk of Briess barley production in a unique barley growing region. The characteristics of this barley growing region in Northwestern Wyoming and Southern Montana make it possible to produce barley with less environmental impact. Other environmental initiatives undertaken throughout the organization include centralized warehousing to lessen transportation needs, turning waste streams into compost and energy, and installing energy-efficient lighting, heat recovery systems, and energy control devices throughout operations.
As an ag-centric business dedicated to natural processes and products, Briess believes it is our inherent responsibility to be a good steward of resources. We thank Wisconsin Commerce & Manufacturers for this recognition as we continue our commitment to our environment, our communities and our people.