On Thursday, April 20th at 7:30 PM Wisconsin PBS will air their latest episode of Wisconsin Foodie, featuring Central Waters Brewing Co. and Briess. In late 2016, we had the pleasure of hosting Anello Mollica, Co-owner and Head Brewer of Central Waters Brewing Co., Arthur Ircink, Founder and Executive Producer of Wisconsin Foodie, and Kyle Cherek, Host of Wisconsin Foodie as Briess’ Penny Pickart toured the gentleman through our 110-year-old historic malthouse that remains in operation to this day.
Here is a sneak peek at behind the scenes with the team.
It was an early morning when the Wisconsin Foodie crew arrived, but, with cameras in hand, they were ready and rolling to go.
First, it was off the Germination Compartment to see where the malt pours in after it has been steeped from the tanks above.
Penny Pickart, explains to Anello (left) the germination process.
It was time to turn the heat up, literally, as we ventured into the kiln for some malt drying action.
Making our way to the roasters, Anello saw first-hand how his malts are handcrafted from Briess.
Fresh barley being loaded out before it gets turned into handcrafted malt.
The whole crew. Left to Right: Bernadette Wasdovitch (Briess Marketing Communications Manager,) Penny Pickart (Briess Brew Division Manager – Central States), Ken Foether (Briess Chilton Malthouse Plant Manager), Mercedes Hemmer (Briess Marketing Assistant and Social Media Marketer), Anello Mollica (Co-owner and Head Brewer of Central Waters), Arthur Ircink (Founder and Executive Producer, Wisconsin Foodie). Kyle Cherek (Host of Wisconsin Foodie), and Wisconsin Foodie Camera Crew.
Be sure to catch the April 20th Episode of Wisconsin Foodie on Wisconsin PBS stations at 7:30 PM or view the episode after it airs.