One of Wisconsin’s oldest beer festivals was held this past Sunday, and it just happens to be here in Chilton, WI, home to Briess. Congrats to the organizers—Rowland’s Calumet Brewing Company owner Bonita Rowland, Brewer Patrick Rowland and Kelly Rowland See—on their 23rd annual Wisconsin Micro-Brewers Beer Fest . This also happens to be one of Wisconsin’s largest beer festivals. The 3,000 fest goers, designated drivers and volunteers just about double the city’s normal population of 3,964! Here are a few scenes from the fest and brewers I met up with.
Brewer Patrick Rowland and volunteer Sheila Adkins at Rowland’s Calumet Brewing Company table.Wisconsin Brewing Company brewmaster Kirby Nelson (left) and assistant Mike McGuire.I ran into Kevin Eichelberger, brewmaster at Red Eye Brewing Co. of Wausau, when he was taking a break from his table. Wausau is in the central part of the state.Stopped to have a beer with Joe Fillion of Plymouth Brewing Co. Plymouth, WI, is about 30 miles south of Chilton and 60 miles north of Milwaukee.Only in the USA!The Wisconsin Micro-Brewers Beer Fest is held at the fairgrounds, a picturesque setting along the northern branch of the Manitowoc river. The permanent structures are perfect for the fest, and the trees offer plenty of shade.Saw this gem of a sign hanging inside a structure where animals are shown during the fair. The address on the sign is the actual location of the malthouse, which was built in 1901 by Chilton Malting Company. Offices eventually moved out of it.