In December 2015, Briess partnered with the City of Manitowoc to open its riverfront parking lot to a free, open-air ice rink. This winter will mark the third season the ice rink is open for recreational ice skating. On December 28th, the setup crew braved freezing temperatures that dipped below negative 20 degrees to get the rink ready for New Year’s weekend. The rink is co-sponsored by Novak’s Service Center and Keller Structures, who purchased the supplies to build this year’s rink and Aspire Real Estate also donated a small warming hut for people to lace up their skates. The rink is open from 6 AM to 11 PM through the winter months.
In the summer, the Briess Riverfront Parking lot is home to the Manitowoc Farmers Market. By working with local organizations, Briess is able to open its vacant lot to purposeful community activities throughout the year.