Sample worts and beers with two featured malts: Goldpils® Vienna and Dark Munich 30L malts.
- Briess Technical Services Pilot Brewery, Chilton, WI – We’ve rolled up our sleeves and made beers to focus independently on our two new malts.
- Jackalope Brewing/Madtree Brewing, Nashville, TN/Cincinnati, OH – “Phone-A-Friend” collaboration brew – 100% Briess malt brewed on a 100BBL brewhouse, this pale ale focuses on Goldpils® Vienna malt and the new Dark Munich 30L malt.
- Ghost River Brewing, Memphis, TN – “Kupfermalzbombe” – means ‘copper malt bomb’ and the brew used our Goldpils® Vienna as the base and a good dose of Dark Munich 30L malts.
- Mantra Artisan Ales, Franklin, TN – Helles Bock – a big lager made with both Goldpils® Vienna and Dark Munich 30L malts.
- BlackStack Brewing, St. Paul, MN – “Nettie’s Cream Ale” – Stop in to find out who Nettie is! An all-malt beer with a focus on our Synergy Select Pilsen malt.
Goldpils® Vienna Malt
This malt was first released in 2014 and has become a favorite for many brewers. Besides the nice malty character you’d expect from a good Vienna, Goldpils® Vienna Malt also has layers of flavor including a touch of toast. Produced from high-quality 2-row malting barley contract grown for Briess by Wyoming barley growers, Goldpils® Malt finishes exceptionally clean.
The same color as our Pale Ale Malt, 3.5º Lovibond, Goldpils Vienna contributes light golden color. But it’s not as malty or sweet as our Pale Ale because it’s less modified, and less intensely kilned than Munich Malt. With a diastatic power of 80, Goldpils® can support the inclusion of even the most demanding specialty malts without extending the brewing cycle. So, feel free to use it up to 100% not only in your traditional German Lagers, but also in other ales and rich, full-flavored dark beers. It’s also a great malt for your single malt/single hop beers.
Other recommended usage levels are 10% or more in all but the lightest beer styles like IPAs. Or try up to 15% or more in high-gravity beers like Bock.
Visit the Briess recipe database for Goldpils® Vienna brewing inspiration.