We last left our falcons with a new female in town unsure if the 2017/2016 female, “Valcor” (b/g) N/22, would reclaim her nest site or if she would succumb to the new unbanded female. “Bartell,” (b/blu) 41/A, sat idly by as the females sorted out the battle for the nest site. It is not entirely known what happened between the two female falcons, but what we do know is Valcor triumphantly remains at the Briess Manitowoc nest site for the third year in a row and a second year with Bartell as her mate.

Late in March, Bartell and Valcor could be found in the early morning bickering like a married couple on the outside ledge of the nest box. Bartel would woo his love with meal offerings of duck and seagull. Shortly after the rekindled honeymoon period, it would be in the wee hours of the morning of April 5th, Valcor would lay her first egg. Followed shortly after, between the eve of April 5th and the morning of April 6th, a second egg would be produced.

This year Briess is partnering with area brewers to dedicate the naming of the Peregrine Falcon Eyasses to the selected breweries. Those Breweries will be brewing honorary beers as a tribute to their dedicated Peregrine Falcon. Two breweries already selected for this honor are Central Waters Brewing Company in Amherst, WI, and 3 Sheeps Brewing Company in Sheboygan, WI. Stay tuned for more FALCON NEWS AND BREWS.
LIVE Feed from the falcon nest box atop the Briess Manitowoc Grain Elevator.