Brenton Paxton is a member of the Briess Grower Advisory Committee which is comprised of grower representatives from Wyoming and Montana, as well as Briess representatives.
My wife, Justine, and I started farming in 2007 when we purchased our 40 acre farm located on Orchard Bench Road in Manderson, WY. We have built both a strong family and added to our acres since then.We farm 465 acres which includes 260 acres of barley, 100 acres of Wyoming sugar beets and 105 acres of alfalfa hay.
To help us through the summer we have three children: Hayden (8), Brooklynn (6) and Carston (1). I have served on the Briess Grower Advisory Committee since 2011 and enjoy discussing the different challenges in each area of the other members. We are excited to have Briess Malt in our area and look forward to the growth and relationship with them in the years ahead.

Not pictured: Ken Arthun and Fred Hopkin
The Grower Advisory Committee provides a direct link between Wyoming and Montana barley growers and Briess. Meeting several times a year, they discuss issues that affect both the growers and Briess such as contracts, delivery, quality issues and assurance, agronomic techniques, and how they can grow the best barley crop in Wyoming and Montana.