As a lot of people will be attending New Year’s Eve parties tonight and counting down the last few moments of 2011 so I thought I’d share a picture that I think is quite appropriate for a festive evening. Brewer (and evidently master artisan) Bill Jenkins of Elliott Bay Brewing Company in Seattle hand-crafted this “disco-ball keg” by applying what appears to be several million tiny mirrors to a 1/4BBL keg. This well-constructed item might be the most creative use of a keg I’ve ever seen and this close up picture was taken in front of their 10BBL brewhouse. Bill had this hanging at EBBC for our District NW MBAA cask fest (click for cask presentations) a few months back and it was a great addition to the brewhouse I’d say! I hope everyone has a wonderful New Years’ Eve and I hope to see you in 2012!