We have a limited number of spots available for two of our upcoming events, Briess Bighorn Barley Tour and the Malt & Brew Workshop. If you are interested in attending one or both of these events, please contact your Division Manager directly to get more information on these great educational opportunities. More details about each event are below.
Malt & Brew Workshop (M&B)
August 14 – 16, 2018 | Chilton, WI
A limited number of spots left
Experience firsthand the art of handcrafting and brewing with specialty malts at Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. in Chilton, Wis. This two-day workshop features presentations by guest and Briess speakers with in-depth tours of Briess malting/roasting operations and 500-bbl brewhouse/extract plant.
In a hands-on sensory class, attendees will sample Congress Worts to better learn the flavors and aromas of eight specific specialty malts, then sample finished beers made with each malt. Presentation topics include the Briess barley supply chain from grower to brewer, production and acquisition of malting barley, the art of handcrafting specialty malts in small batches, flavor and color contributions of specialty malts, and production of malt extract in a 500bbl brewhouse.
Pre-registration is required and limited to 45 participants currently working in a licensed commercial brewery or in a brewing-related capacity. Cost is $150.00 which includes meals. Transportation and lodging are not included. Request a registration form from info@brewingwithbriess.com or 920.849.7711.

2nd Annual Briess Bighorn Barley Tour (BBBT)
July 10 – 12, 2018 | Cody, WY
Very limited number of spots left (approximately 4 as of 5/14/2018)
Explore the unique characteristics that make the Bighorn Basin the premium U.S. barley growing region.
- Tour flood irrigation projects that transform the high plains into rich agricultural land
- Tour Briess elevator and seed plant operations
- Meet our growers and tour their ranches and barley fields
- Visit the University of Wyoming Barley Development Research Center Test Plots
See where your malt is grown
More than 300 growers in Northern Wyoming and Southern Montana grow malting barley for Briess. We selected this one-of-a-kind barley growing region because of the extremely high-quality malting barley it produces, the diverse varieties grown, and the fact that Bighorn growers love barley and enjoy growing it. The two-day Bighorn Barley Tour will be held at the peak of the barley growing season, when fields are ripening and the Briess Elevator in Ralston, WY, is ready to start receiving truckloads of freshly harvested barley.