This November 4th, 2017, we celebrate Learn to Homebrew Day! On this day, thousands of homebrewers get together to brew, and to teach others how to brew. Find an event in your area – Learn to Brew Day Events.
Homebrewing is one of the most rewarding hobbies out there- after all, you’re making beer. It’s easy enough to do in your kitchen, or out in your garage with a couple of friends.
Here are some of the best resources available online:

American Homebrewers Association Website
One of the best first stops is the American Homebrewers Association website. Here you’ll find an array of info. Here are a few direct links to getting started:
Here’s all of the equipment you’ll need to start: Homebrewing Equipment List
Here are the ingredients you’ll use: Homebrewing Ingredient List
Once you’ve got everything you need, here’s a step-by-step for your first brew: Homebrewing Step-by-Step

How To Brew Website
John Palmer’s book How To Brew is now in its 4th edition, but John has kindly placed his first edition online for free. His website offers a great deal of information for anyone starting out. “A Crash Course in Brewing” is a good place to start.

Brew Your Own Magazine Website
Brew Your Own magazine is standard reading for many homebrewers. They publish a “Learn to Brew Guide”, but also have information online in their New to Brewing section.

Not sure what to brew? Check out the Recipe section of the Briess website!
Happy Homebrewing!