I was in Portland recently for the Oregon Brewers Festival brewers dinner that we sponsor (see the post from August 2011) as well as the kick-off of the World Brewing Congress (MBAA + ASBC) and took the time to head up to Hood River, OR to visit with Dave Logsdon of Logsdon Farmhouse Ales. You probably recognize his name from his years heading up Wyeast Laboratories and supplying the craft brewing industry liquid yeast slurries and a LOT of great technical information on brewing. Dave is now out on his own brewing Belgian-style beers on his property outside of town. He has a very unique brewery in that he is brewing farmhouse beers in his farmhouse. Dave also has shipped Schaerbeekse cherry trees over from Belgium which he will plant to do some truly authentic Kriek beers. He is fermenting his beers with FOUR strains of yeast for primary and finishing them with some extra bugs for flavor; the Saison I sampled was truly wonderful indeed! These beers are 100% certified organic as well as utilizing the spent grain straight from the brewhouse to the oxen next door!