There’s a very simple reason why most homebrewers aren’t familiar with Briess Caramel Munich Malt 60L: it’s difficult to get your hands on. We’re hoping to change that next week starting at the AHA National Homebrewers Conference in San Diego. That’s where conference attendees will be invited to fill an empty plastic bag with 8 ounces of Briess Caramel Munich Malt 60L at the Briess Homebrew Expo booth.
Then you’ll have enough Briess Caramel Munich Malt 60L to brew this Charlie Papazian recipe for Rogerfest Cherry Wood Lager (from the Briess online recipe database). The malt lends wonderful caramel, roasted, malty flavors in the background of this all-grain brew.
You’ll find that the Briess version is worth asking your homebrew supplier to carry for a number of reasons:
- Briess is the only domestic producer of this style, making it the freshest option available
- Briess Caramel Munich Malt 60L is made from some of the highest quality malting barley grown in North America (check out this blog about that)
- This malt is the only traditional choice for Maerzen and Oktoberfest.
- It’s also one of the best malt choices for the new BJCP styles Red IPA and Brown IPA.