Next week we’re offering a sneak preview of our newest malt, Caramel Rye, at the annual Craft Brewers Conference in Denver. Oskar Blues and Denver Beer Co graciously brewed several beers with it for the CBC, and we’ll be serving them at the Briess-Hopunion Beer Station on the BrewExpo floor. Special thanks to OB’s Jason Buehler and DBC’s Charlie Berger for collaborating with us on these special brews!

If you’ll be among the anticipated crowd of 8,000 craft beer loyalists expected at the CBC, please take time to sample our three brews:
- Oskar Blues Donkey Tail—Rye Pale Ale
- Denver Beer Co Damn Rye’t—Double IPA
- Oskar Blues Crye Me a Rye’ver—American interpretation of Roggenbier
Our maltsters developed this drum-roasted specialty to have just the right amount of complex flavor and warm hues for brewing versatility. Although it is a drum roasted caramel malt, it’s less sweet than barley caramel malt and loaded with complex roasted rye flavors. You can use it to enhance the drinkability of any beer, from session to sipping. We decided it hasn’t met a beer it doesn’t like.
Like other Briess caramel malts, our roaster operators carefully drum roast Caramel Rye Malt in small batches from germinated, wet grain until the starchy center is crystallized. This process actually tames the grain’s characteristic spicy rye flavor and develops some sweetness with upfront roasted, malty flavors and an array of subtle but complex bready, caramel, earthy, rye, and dry background notes.
Use from 1-10% for varying degrees of flavor and complexity in any style of beer, or use with Rye Malt for both spicy rye and complex flavors. At 60 ºL, Caramel Rye Malt will deliver light amber to reddish hues and enhance mouthfeel at higher levels.
We hope to see you at the CBC! Find us in Booth 1120 (conveniently located next to the beer station and across the aisle from Hopunion) where we’ll have samples of Caramel Rye and other malts to munch on. And try your luck at the traditional Wisconsin bar dice game, Shake of the Day, while you’re there. Cheers!