How does one of Wisconsin’s greenest breweries celebrate Earth Day? By having its own organically grown Wisconsin barley toll malted for a batch of Shine On, of course. Central Waters Brewing Co. owners Anello Mollica and Paul Graham are committed to making their brewery one of the most environmentally sustainable breweries in the nation. So they have organic barley grown within miles of the brewery and malted at our malthouse, about 1-1/2 hours away, for Shine On. Shine On is a red ale made to commemorate the brewery’s solar hot water system and its partnership with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA). A proceed of all sales will go to the MREA to help fund renewable energy and sustainability.
Check out their story here. Andf you ever get the opp to stop at their very green brewery during beer tastings on a Friday or Saturday, I recommend it.

Last week Anello, Matt and Shane from Central Waters visited Briess to see the barley first hand during the malting process. It had actually started several days before, in the steep tanks, and was in the germination compartment when they arrived. By now it’s been kiln dried into base malt for their very green Shine On beer, a favorite among customers in their market.

We’re honored to malt this special barley for Central Waters, and to have a close relationship with them. Briess has also undertaken an aggressive sustainability initiative and just last year joined Central Waters in the State of Wisconsin’ Green Tier program. Now we’re looking forward to enjoying a pint and getting our Shine On!