Recently, to provide better clarity to our Food and Brewing customers regarding our flake names and descriptions, we have made a change in our brewing nomenclature. Formerly, our flake names included the term “Insta Grains®,” which relates to the food industry and the Briess facility at which the flakes are produced. We discovered that this term tended to cause confusion for our brewing community and added no value to our brewing customers.
When new and existing brewing customers searched for products like Brewers Barley Flakes, they could not find it within their search parameters because it was listed as “Insta Grains® Barley Flakes.” Questions would come about, such as what is Insta Grains® Barley Flakes? There essentially is no difference between Insta Grains® Flakes and Brewers Flakes – the products are made exactly the same and have the same specs, it is simply nomenclature which better identifies products for the food and brewing industries.
However, with this name change also came a new item number within our system. Above is an easy to read chart of the formerly known names and item numbers and the NEW Brewers names and items numbers.