We’ve added two new recipes to the Briess recipe database. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out. It’s new. You can search by Briess malt, beer style, batch size, or style of brewing (all grain, extract with grain or extract). There’s also an advanced search mode. Results display onscreen where you can review the recipe, email it, share it on a social network, or choose from two printing options—full screen or 3×5 card. You’ll find recipes for both 5-gallon and commercial size batches.
The new recipes are for a British Pale Ale and a Belgian Pilsner made with none other than Briess malts and White Labs yeast. The recipes are from a collaborative effort between Briess and White Labs that started in 2008, when we began inserting a recipe card inside each issue of Brew Your Own magazine. Each card includes two recipes that our technical teams jointly developed. So all you BYO readers out there may have already seen these new recipes in the Jan-Feb edition. But you’ll also find all the BYO recipes that Briess and White Labs developed since 2008 in the database as well, along with a bunch others we’ve accumulated over the years. Let us know what you think about it. Cheers!