Calling all Peregrine Falcon followers! As some of you know, our Naming Contest for these four wonderful falcons has recently concluded and we want to thank all the participants who submitted some of the most creative names we’ve seen! It was a tough decision for our panel of judges, but we have landed on four unique names and congratulate the following winners:
Sir Squaks-a-Lot – Submitted by Colin Behymer
Sabby – Submitted by our friends and customers at Sabbatical Brewing in Manitowoc, WI
Princess Lei ‘N Egg – Submitted by Karen Wordell’s 3rd & 4th Grade Class at First German Elementary School in Manitowoc, WI
Bucky – Submitted by Mercedez Sandler, a Team Member from one of Briess’ partners, Buck Creek Distributing

On the day of banding, May 25th, Greg Septon, founder of the Wisconsin Peregrine Falcon Recovery Program, placed two sets of metal bands on each bird’s legs. Engraved on them are identification numbers that allow them to be tracked for the rest of their lives. They’re still on Wisconsin’s endangered species list, but their numbers have gone from zero to at least 45 nesting pairs. Every spring, we look forward to who makes their way back to our Manitowoc nest.
Just a few weeks after banding, it was quite eye-opening how they have changed from tiny, white fluff balls to much larger and darker in color.

I always knew Falcons were incredibly fast fliers, with speeds of 40-55 mph, reaching up to 200 mph when swooping in for prey, but nothing compares to actually seeing it in person, like I did a few weeks ago at banding. The mom and dad falcons were circling the tower on a mission toward some baby seagulls that just happened to be on the top of our grain tower, as well – not a safe place to be! It’s always a thrill for my colleagues and I to have a front-row seat to these birds’ lives. We’ve noticed that Sir Squaks-a-Lot is the most territorial over food and does exactly what the name implies…squawks a LOT.
The entertainment is not over, yet, though. These four, almost-ready-to-fly, falcons will take flight any day now and they’ve been practicing the use of their wings. What’s funny, is that each of them all have their favorite and designated spot to stand on the outside of the nest box. You can currently see all four keeping watch of the lakeshore and daydreaming about what else is out in this beautiful world on our live Falcon Cam.