On August 10-11 Briess is offering a Malt & Brew Workshop in Chilton, Wisconsin. We held the first workshop last year, the day before the Craft Brewers Conference in Chicago. A great group of brewers and brewery employees came up and spent the day in seminars and touring our facilities. Thanks to their feedback, we turned the workshop into a two-day event with more seminars and guest speakers, and a lot more tour time. We’re excited that Dr. Michael Lewis, John Mallett of Bell’s Brewery and barley market expert Don Grambsh will be presenting this year, along with Briess techies Dave Kuske and Bob Hansen. Our goal is to offer as much education about malting and specialty malts as possible in two days. Of course there’ll be time to sample some great beers and enjoy some Wisconsin cuisine.
Here’s the schpeel on registering:
Pre-registration is required and is limited to 30 participants currently working in a licensed commercial brewery or in a brewing-related capacity. Cost is $125.00 which includes the cost of all meals. Transportation and lodging is not included. Chilton has two hotels, one with a discounted rate for this event. Download a registration form with hotel information here or call 920.849.7711 with questions. Registration requires signing a visitor agreement.