Special thanks from the entire crew at Briess to the 43 craft beer professionals and speakers who participated in the recent third annual Briess Malt & Brew Workshop.
This two-day event is definitely specialty malt-centric, with technical presentations and indepth tours of the malthouse, roasters and 500bbl brewhouse. In addition to talks by Briess staff, the workshop featured guest speakers Mark Carpenter of Anchor Steam Brewing Co., Joe Hertrich, retired AB, and Jason Perkins of Allagash Brewing Co. who shared their experiences and craft beer knowledge with the group.
There was also time for networking and good times, and we’re already looking forward to the 2014 workshop. Dates TBD. In the meantime, here are scenes from the 2013 workshop. Thanks again to our visitors for spending time immersed with us in the world of specialty malts. The pleasure was all truly all ours.
This group took a break on the way up to the fifth floor steep tanks.
Behind this group are two steep tanks prepping 60,000 pounds of raw barley for a germination compartment.
Technical services guru Dan Bies explains that after germinating for four days in the compartment, “green” barley destined to become roasted caramel malt is literally pulled out of the compartment a batch at a time and sent down a chute to the roasting room.
Surrounded by two drum roasters, this workshop group is shown by Director of Malting Operations Dave Kuske roasting techniques and procedures.
This group just saw how barley in the roasters is pulled, cooled, milled and visually compared to a control sample to determine when a batch is complete and will meet spec.
Following the malthouse tour, a sensory workshop helps participants better understnd the flavor profiles of eight styles of malt.
The 500bbl brewhouse that produces all styles of Briess brewer’s and food grade malt extracts and gluten free syrups is a popular stop in the extract plant tour.
Partipants climb flights of stairs to get to the top of the three-story extract dryer.
Visitors depart the extract plant through the distribution center.
Did we mention we go bowling?
And we eat overlooking the east shore of Lake Winnebago, served by the manager who appreciates good beer.