What goes through a homebrewer’s mind sometimes you might ask? Well, occasionally a recipe that is very unique and you aren’t quite sure which way the beer will turn out. Needless to say, this experiment had better than expected results. Highlighting Briess Flaked Oats, White Wheat and CBW® Pilsen Dry Malt Extract stole the show. The recipe is for 5 U.S. gallons (19L).
- OG: 1.076
- FG: 1.021
- ABV: 7.13%
- IBU: 36
- COLOR(SRM): 4.58
- 8.0 lbs/Briess Full Pint Brewers Malt/Mash Grain
- 0.5 lbs/Briess White Wheat Malt/Mash Grain
- 2.0 lbs/Briess CBW® Pilsen Dry Malt Extract
- 1.5 lbs/Briess Flaked Oats
- 1oz. Briess Rice Hulls/Lautering

- 0.25 oz/Nugget (15% AAU)/60 min boil
- 0.5 oz/Nugget (15% AAU)/30 min boil
- 0.25 oz/Nugget (15% AAU)/5 min boil
- 2oz. Raspberry Natural Fruit Flavor/flame-out
- 1 pack/Wyeast-London Ale III 1318/Fermenter
- 0.5 oz/Whirlfloc Mash-Final 5 minutes
- 16oz. Melted White Chocolate/Secondary Fermentation
- 2oz. Raspberry Natural Fruit Flavor/Secondary Fermentation
- Mash grains in 5.5 gallons of water at 155°F for 60 minutes
- Sparge grain with 170°F water to obtain desired pre-boil kettle volume
- Bring to boil
- Add 0.25 oz Nugget Hops
- Boil for 60 minutes
- Add 0.5 oz Nugget Hops
- Boil for 30 minutes
- Add 0.25 oz Nugget Hops
- Boil for 5 minutes
- Add 0.5oz Whirlfloc into Mash-Final 5 minutes
- Turn heat off and cool wort to 68°F
- Transfer to fermenter
- Pitch one pack of Wyeast-London Ale III-1818
FERMENTATION: 2 weeks at 66-70°F
FERMENTATION NOTES: Force carbonate, or bottle condition with dissolved priming sugar