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Bitterless Black Malts

We specifically developed these two unique black malts so they have no bitter, astringent, dry flavor or aftertaste. Use them in Black IPAs, Black Lagers, Black Ales, Schwarzbiers, and other beers for deep, rich color with only hints of subtle roasted flavor.

Both malts function as a 1:1 replacement to debittered black malt, but with smoother flavor. That’s because debittered black malts are made by removing a great deal of the husk (but not all of it). Since it’s the husk that develops bitter notes during roasting, debittered black malts will contribute a certain amount of bitter, astringent, or dry flavors or aftertaste to beer.

Not Blackprinz® or Midnight Wheat, which are made from grains with no husk.

Which one should you use? For a starting point keep in mind that Midnight Wheat Malt is the smoothest source of black color of any malt available. Blackprinz® Malt, meanwhile, delivers color plus more roasted flavor.

Blackprinz® Malt

Subtle, smooth, no bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste, very delicate, clean flavor, mild roasted malty flavor

Produced from hulless barley and functions as a 1:1 replacement to debittered Black Malt, but with smoother flavor. It contributes the same color characteristics as Black Malt but without the bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste. Use in Black IPAs, Black Lagers, Black Ales, Schwarzbiers and other beers for deep, rich color with only hints of subtle roasted flavor, and for color adjustment in any beer style.

Usage Levels / Beer Styles
1-2% Minor color adjustment with little to no flavor impact in lighter colored lagers and ales
2-5% Adds color with subtle, smooth flavor
5-10% Use in larger quantities for color plus mild roasted malty flavor

Midnight Wheat Malt

Subtle, smooth, no bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste, starts slightly sweet, hints of roasted flavor

It contributes the same color characteristics as Black Malt but without the bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste. It finishes exceptionally clean and is the smoothest source of black color of any malt. It is excellent in Black IPAs, Schwarzbiers, other dark ales and lagers, and for color adjustment in any beer style.

Usage Levels / Beer Styles
1-2% Minor color adjustment with little to no flavor impact in lighter colored lagers and ales
2-5% Adds color with subtle, very smooth flavor
5-7% Use in larger quantities for color plus hints of smooth roasted flavor

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