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Wheat Malts

Wheat Malts from Briess are produced from North American-grown, red and white wheat so you’re guaranteed fresh, superior quality malts for consistent brewhouse performance.

Caracrystal® Wheat Malt

Sweet, smooth, malty, bready, subtle caramel, dark toast, exceptionally clean finish

This wheat malt is recommended for all beer styles that use caramel malts such as IPAs, Pale Ales, low alcohol beers, wheat beers, Bock beers, and session beers where a touch of subtle caramel plus smooth dark toast flavor is beneficial. You can use in any beer style to add sweetness and develop smooth or complex flavors. This malt also works great for improved body, foam and foam retention, flavor, and color.

Yield on
Usage Levels / Beer Styles
5-10% Subtle sweetness and flavor with pale orange tones
10-15% Mild sweetness and flavor plus orange tones
15-25% More pronounced flavor with dark orange to mahogany tones

Midnight Wheat Malt

Subtle, smooth, no bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste, starts slightly sweet, hints of roasted flavor

It contributes the same color characteristics as Black Malt but without the bitter, astringent, dry flavors or aftertaste. It finishes exceptionally clean and is the smoothest source of black color of any malt. It is excellent in Black IPAs, Schwarzbiers, other dark ales and lagers, and for color adjustment in any beer style.

Usage Levels / Beer Styles
1-2% Minor color adjustment with little to no flavor impact in lighter colored lagers and ales
2-5% Adds color with subtle, very smooth flavor
5-7% Use in larger quantities for color plus hints of smooth roasted flavor

Wheat Malt, Red

Creamy, sweet, malty, wheat flour

This malt is often used in Hefeweizen and other traditional wheat styles due to a distinctive, characteristic wheat flour flavor. It runs efficiently through the brewhouse even with slightly higher protein than White Wheat Malt. You can use this malt as a part or all of your base malt in wheat beers.

Yield on
Usage Levels / Beer Styles
5% Improves head and head retention in any beer style
10-20% Typical usage in a Kölsch beer
30-40% Use with raw wheat or wheat flakes in traditional Belgian Wit; Common usage rate in wheat beers

Wheat Malt, White

Sweet, malty, wheat, mild bread dough

This wheat malt contributes a light straw color and can be used as a part or all of your base malt in wheat beers.

Yield on
Usage Levels / Beer Styles
5% Improves head and head retention in any beer style
10-20% Typical usage in a Kölsch beer
30-40% Use with raw wheat or wheat flakes in traditional Belgian Wit
50% or more Functions as base malt when used alone or with base malt in American Wheat beers

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