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  • Amaze (ake) Me Japanese Pilsner

    Special mashing and wort collection procedures produce an exceptionally light colored, clean flavored and super dry lager.

    Type: Lager

    Style: Light Lagers / Pilsners

    Batch Size: 5 gallons

    Recipe Type: All grain

    Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Staff


    Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
    5 lbs Pilsen Malt Base
    4 lbs Long Grain White Rice Uncooked
    4 oz Carapils® Malt Dextrine
    1 oz Hallertau Hops (5.5% AA) Boil 60 minutes
    1 vial WLP840 American Lager Yeast


    1. Crack rice to break up kernels without generating too much flour
    2. Cook rice: Add rice to 1.5 gallons of water and bing to a boil
    3. Cover and let simmer for 20 minutes stirring only once or twice (there should be excess water)
    4. Add cooked rice and water mixture to mash vessel
    5. Stir in 3 gallons of cold water to bring the temperature to 110ºF
    6. Add malt and bring temperature at 110ºF for 15 minutes
    7. Raise temperature for additional rests at 142ºF for 30 minutes and 158ºF for 40 minutes
    8. After conversion transfer to lautertun
    9. Wort should be 1.052-1.060 (13-15P)
    10. Collect only enough wort to make 5 gallons of finished wort at 1.042 (10.5P) finished gravity (normally 3.8 galllons)
    11. Top off brew kettle with water
    12. Bring to a boil
    13. Add bittering hops boil for 60 minutes
    14. Cool quickly and pitch yeast
    15. Cool quickly and pitch yeast

    Primary Fermentation: 10 days at 55ºF

    Secondary Fermentation: 20 days at 35ºF

    Fermentation Notes: Bottle condition with CBW® Pilsen Light DME or force carbonate

    Original Gravity: 1.042

    Final Gravity:

    Alcohol by Weight:

    Alcohol by Volume:


