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Alt of My Mind Ale

This classic style Altbier is cold conditioned to reduce overall fruity esters. Slightly sweet with warm, rich malt tones, it finished crisp and dry.

Type: Ale

Style: Altbier

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: Extract with grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Staff


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
6 lbs CBW® Pilsen Light LME Extract, LME
1.5 lbs Bonlander® Munich Malt Kilned, Munich
1 lb Caramel Malt 60L Caramel, Crystal
4 oz Carapils® Malt Dextrine
0.75 oz Perle Hops (9% AA) Boil 60 minutes
0.5 oz Spalt or Saaz Hops (4% AA) Boil 25 minutes
0.5 oz Spalt or Saaz Hops (4% AA) Boil 5 minutes
1 vial WLP036 Dusseldorf Alt Yeast


  1. Perform mini-mash with 4 gallons of water and grains
  2. Steep at 152-158ºF for 30 minutes
  3. Bring to a boil
  4. Add bittering hops and continue to boil
  5. Add Irish Moss and finishing hops as indicated
  6. Remove from heat
  7. Cool to 72ºF
  8. Transfer to primary fermenter
  9. Oxygenate and pitch yeast

Primary Fermentation: 2 weeks at 63-68ºF

Secondary Fermentation: 4-5 weeks at 34-38ºF

Fermentation Notes: Bottle condition with dissolved priming sugar and 1/4 pack of WLP036 Dusseldorf Alt Yeast for 2-3 weeks, or force carbonate

Original Gravity: 1.050

Final Gravity: 1.013

Alcohol by Weight:

Alcohol by Volume: 4.9%

IBU: 30

Color: 14 SRM


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