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Belgian Wit

Makes 7 bbl batch. Unfiltered and traditionally hazy, this has the distinctive spicy and citrus aroma.

Type: Ale

Style: Belgian / French Ales

Batch Size: Commercial

Recipe Type: All grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
200 lbs Wheat Malt, Red Wheat
150 lbs Brewers Malt Base
25 lbs Carapils® Malt Dextrine
20 lbs Rice Hulls Boil 15 minutes
1 lb Hallertau Hops (4.8% AA) Boil 90 minutes
1.5 lbs Saaz Hops (3.1% AA) Boil 30 minutes
1.4 oz Breakbright Kettle Coagulant Boil 20 minutes
5 oz Coriander Crushed, Boil 10 minutes
24 oz Bitter Orange Peel Boil 10 minutes
1 pkg #3068 Wyeast Forbidden Fruit Yeast


  1. Mash at 150ºF for 45 minutes
  2. Sparge at 170ºF
  3. Add hops, rice hulls, spices and coagulant as indicated
  4. Knock out at 70ºF
  5. Oxygenate highly
  6. Cool to 72ºF
  7. Oxygenate and pitch yeast

Primary Fermentation:

Secondary Fermentation:

Fermentation Notes:

Original Gravity:

Final Gravity:

Alcohol by Weight:

Alcohol by Volume: 4.5%

IBU: 22

Color: 4 SRM


©2008-2025 Briess Malt & Ingredients