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Two unique malts—Briess Midnight Wheat and Briess Goldpils® Vienna—are united with a classic Bavarian yeast to produce a deceptively dark Dunkelweizen with a flavor profile true to its stylistic roots.

Type: Ale

Style: Dark Wheat

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: All grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
5 lbs Wheat Malt, White Wheat
4 lbs Goldpils® Vienna Malt Base
0.5 lbs Midnight Wheat Malt Bitterless Black
0.5 lbs Carapils® Malt Dextrine
1 oz Spalter Select (4.5% AA hop) 60 min boil
1 vial White Labs WLP351 Bavarian Weizen Ale Yeast
1 capsule Servomyces Yeast Nutrient 10 min boil


  1. Mash grains at 152-156ºF for 60 minutes
  2. Heat to 170ºF
  3. Lauter
  4. Boil with bittering hops for 60 minutes
  5. Cool to 68ºF, oxygenate wort
  6. Pitch 1 vial WLP351 Bavarian Weizen Ale Yeast

Primary Fermentation: 2-3 weeks at 68ºF

Secondary Fermentation:

Fermentation Notes: Bottle condition with cane sugar or force carbonate

Original Gravity: 1.048

Final Gravity: 1.013

Alcohol by Weight: 3.7%

Alcohol by Volume: 4..6%

IBU: 14

Color: 40


©2008-2025 Briess Malt & Ingredients