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This Marzen or Oktoberfest style beer has a malt character that will make you want to get up and march! Traditionally brewed in March and served in late September, this beer will be ready to drink in a month and a half and good anytime of the year.

Type: Lager

Style: Vienna / Oktoberfest / Marzen

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: Extract with grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
4 lbs CBW® Pilsen Light DME Extract, DME
1 lb Brewers Malt Base
2.5 lbs Bonlander® Munich Malt Kilned, Munich
4 oz Carapils® Malt Dextrine
1 tsp Irish Moss Boil 15 minutes
0.75 oz Hallertau Hops (6.5% AA) Boil 60 minutes
1 vial WLP830 German Lager Yeast


  1. Perform mini-mash with 4 gallons of water and grains
  2. Steep at 152-158ºF for 45 minutes
  3. Add extract
  4. Bring to a boil
  5. Add bittering hops and continue to boil
  6. Add Irish Moss as indicated
  7. Remove from heat
  8. Cool to 55-60ºF
  9. Transfer to primary fermenter
  10. Fill to desired level with cold water
  11. Oxygenate and pitch yeast

Primary Fermentation: 14 days at 50-55ºF

Secondary Fermentation: 14 days at 35ºF

Fermentation Notes: Bottle condition and age for two weeks

Original Gravity: 1.060

Final Gravity: 1.015

Alcohol by Weight: 4.7%

Alcohol by Volume: 5.9%

IBU: 23

Color: 9-12 SRM


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