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Sunburnt Brit Strong Ale

Between bitters and barleywines, there are British Strong ales. A nice catch all for bigger beers brewed by the Brits. Here’s one with great English flavor, and just enough kick to drink after fermentation, or let it sit and age.

Type: Ale

Style: Scottish / Irish Ales

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: All grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
7 lbs Briess Ashburne® Mild Malt Mashing grain
7 lbs Briess Pale Ale Malt Mashing grain
0.5 lb Briess Caramel Malt 80L Mashing grain
0.5 lb Briess Extra Special Malt Mashing grain
1 oz Challenger Hops (8.0% AAU) 90 min boil
1 oz Kent Goldings Hops (5.0% AAU) 10 min boil
1 oz Kent Goldings Hops (5.0% AAU) 0 min boil
2 packs White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale Yeast Fermenter
1 capsule Servomyces Yeast Nutrient 10 min boil


  1. Bring 4.5 gallons of water to 168°F.
  2. Mash grains at 154°F for 90 minutes.
  3. Heat 4.1 gallons of 180°F sparge water in a kettle.
  4. Sparge and collect 6.4 gallons in kettle; bring to boil.
  5. Add 1 oz Challenger hops.
  6. After 80 minutes add yeast nutrient and Kent Goldings hops.
  7. Turn off heat. Add 1 oz Kent Goldings hops.
  8. Cool beer to 70°F. Transfer to fermentor.
  9. Pitch two packs of White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale yeast.

Primary Fermentation: 4 weeks at 68°F -70°F.

Secondary Fermentation: 2 weeks to 2 months at 65°F -68°F.

Fermentation Notes:  Force carbonate or bottle condition with ¾ cup dissolved priming sugar, and ¼ packet of WLP007 Dry English Ale yeast for 3-4 weeks.

Original Gravity: 1.074

Final Gravity: 1.015

Alcohol by Weight:

Alcohol by Volume: 7.8%

IBU: 43

Color: 18


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