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Two Belgians (Belgian Dubble)

Full-bodied, complex, satisfying Trappist-style ale. Displays a wide range of malt flavors alongside wonderful ester and phenol flavors produced by a Belgian-style yeast blend

Type: Ale

Style: Belgian / French Ales

Batch Size: 5 gallons

Recipe Type: All grain

Recipe Contributed By: Briess Technical Services Team


Quantity Ingredient Comment Malt Style
12 lbs Pilsen Malt Base
2 lbs Carabrown® Malt Roasted, Brown
1 lb Extra Special Malt Roasted, Biscuit
0.5 lb Carapils® Malt Dextrine
3 lbs Aromatic Munich Malt Kilned, Munich
0.5 lb Belgian Candi Sugar Boil 15 minutes
1.25 oz East Kent Goldings Hops (5% AA) Boil 60 minutes
1 capsule Servomyces Yeast Nutient Boil 10 minutes
2 vials WLP575 Belgian Style Ale Yeast Blend


  1. Mash at 154-156ºF for 45 minutes
  2. Sparge at 170ºF
  3. Heat sugar in a saucepan stir constantly until liquid and slightly browned
  4. Add bittering hops, cane sugar and Servomyces as indicated
  5. Knock out at 65ºF
  6. Oxygenate highly
  7. Cool to 72ºF
  8. Oxygenate and pitch yeast

Primary Fermentation: 14 days at 68-75ºF

Secondary Fermentation: 14 days at 35ºF

Fermentation Notes: Bottle condition

Original Gravity: 1.070

Final Gravity: 1.016

Alcohol by Weight: 5.6%

Alcohol by Volume: 7%

IBU: 23

Color: 13 SRM


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