Aspen Glow
Because of its color, this homebrewed beer was named for the warm, late afternoon sun playing on the Bear Tooth Mountains of Montana.
3.3 lbs - CBW® Sparkling Amber LME
1 lb - Caramel Malt 80L
1 oz - Perle Hops - Boil 60 minutes
0.5 oz - Perle Hops - Boil 5 minutes
1 pkg - #2007 Pilsen Lager Yeast
Perform mini-mash with 4 gallons of water and grains
Steep at 152-158ºF for 30 minutes
Add extract
Bring to a boil
Add bittering hops and continue to boil
Add remaining hops as indicated
Remove from heat
Cool to 72ºF
Transfer to primary fermenter
Fill to desired level with cold water
Oxygenate and pitch yeast