Final Course (Sweet Stout)
With dessert or as dessert, beside ice cream or on ice cream. This sweet stout is a delicious end to a dining experience.
6.6 lbs - CBW® Pilsen Light LME
0.75 lb - Caramel Malt 40L
0.5 lb - Caramel Malt 60L
0.25 lb - Caramel Malt 120L
0.5 lb - Chocolate Malt
1.25 oz - East Kent Goldings Hops (5% AA) - Boil 60 minutes
1 capsule - Servomyces Yeast Nutrient - Boil 10 minutes
1 vial - WLP002 English Ale Yeast
Perform mini-mash with 4 gallons of water and grains
Steep at 152-158ºF for 30 minutes
Add extract
Bring to a boil
Add bittering hops and bring to a rolling boil
Add Servomyces as indicated
Remove from heat
Cool to 72ºF
Transfer to primary fermenter
Fill to desired level with cold water
Oxygenate and pitch yeast